Friday, August 7, 2020


Trade Nigeria, A Public Private Joint Partnership with Government on International Trade. The organization, as an Organized Private Sector, Focus on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), through G2G/B2B/B2C, Project Development, Build Own Operate and Transfer (BOOT), Build Own Operate (BOO), Supporting Business Development, Investment, Trade Promotion, Economic Exchange and Multilateral Cooperation’s with major Aim on Growing Nigeria Rural Economy and Turning the population into a production Nation.

The Trade Nigeria, based in Nigeria, is cited as “turning the population into a production nation”.  It is a membership-based organization, and membership is made up of Chamber of Commerce’s, entrepreneurs, companies. Traders and Business men/women, 

The TNG hosts an annual meeting at the end of the year. The meeting brings together business leaders, economists, Icons, celebrities and journalists to discuss national issues, across public and private sessions.

The organization also organizes quarterly regional meetings every year in locations across Nigeria and international meetings around the world in partnership with Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Nigeria Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment, Nigeria Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nigeria High Commissions, Federal and State Agencies and other Trade Bilateral Department. It holds two further annual Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation of Industries, Investment and Commerce in Asia and Europe. Beside meetings, the organization provides a platform for leaders from all stakeholder groups from around the world business, government and civil society to collaborate on multiple projects and initiatives. It also produces a series of reports and engages its members in sector-specific initiatives. 

Due to its Dominance in Bilateral community and having leaders from business societies, arts and media, the Trade Nigeria (TNG) and particularly its annual meeting in Nigeria, Asia, Europe and other part of the world has support and promote bilateral trade and Investment. 

A Member of Twelve (12) Bilateral International Trade Organization and 53 Directors on the membership board.

The TNG was founded by Nwabueze Buchi George ESQ,LLB,MBA,JP, a Finance Management Administrator, A United Nation Ambassador on MDG, A Trade, Investment and Business Executive.

In 2018/2019 TNG hosted and organized Nigeria at 59 Independent Celebration/Nigeria-Asia Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation of Industries, Investment and Commerce to Asia November 2019, the event Partnered with Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Nigeria High Commissions Singapore, Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment (FMTI), Nigeria Investment Promotion Council (NIPC), Nigeria Export Processing Zone Authority (NEPZA) and other Nigeria State Government. The events brought together executives from Government of Singapore, executives from firms in Singapore, Elites, and friends of Nigeria. The meeting marks the 20th Anniversary of the physical presence of the High Commission of Nigeria in Singapore. Held in SBF Centre Singapore under the patronage of various industrial associations, where TNG sought to introduce Asia firms to Nigeria Investors. 


Headquartered in Abuja, the TNG also has offices in Lagos, Port Harcourt and Kano. 

The TNG is chaired by Founder and Executive Chairman Nwabueze Buchi George ESQ,LLB,MBA,JP, and is guided by Board of Trustees that is made up of leaders from business, politics, academia and civil society. 

Annual meeting 

The flagship event of the TNG is the annual Joint Trade Mission in March and October bringing together chief executive officers from its members:  Chambers of Commerce’s, companies, Association, Trade Groups as well as selected representatives from Government Agencies, NGOS, and the media. The events ostensibly focus around key issues of global concern (such as the Investment, Export, Import, New Market, globalization, capital markets, wealth management, environmental problems and their possible solutions).The participants are also taking part in role playing events.

At the annual meetings, more than 15,000 exhibitors from across the world participate in different sessions. Participation included public figures, Exhibitors, Manufacturers etc. Journalists from online, print, radio, and television take part, with access to all sessions in the official program.

Individual Participants

Some 25,000 individual participants join the annual meeting in the host country or region. The vast majority of participants are both male and female. Business accounts for most of the participants' background 

Corporate Participants

Next to individual participants, The TNG maintains a very good network of corporate partners that can apply for different session of the Trade Mission. Among participants are representative from financial companies, fast-growing health care, manufacturing and information technology businesses. 

Regional Meetings

Every year, regional meetings take place, enabling close contact among corporate business leaders, government leaders, and NGOs. Meetings are held in Nigeria.

Nigeria Traders Business Forum

The Nigeria Traders Business Forum consists of Traders  coming from all regions of the country to explore and network. Gaining access to new market  

Social Entrepreneurs

TNG has been promoting models developed by those in close collaboration with the TNG entrepreneurship Training, highlighting social entrepreneurship as a key element to advance societies and address social problems. Selected social entrepreneurs are invited to participate in regional meetings and the annual meetings where they may meet chief executives and senior government officials. The regional meetings also acts as a think tank, publishing a wide range of reports. In particular, "Strategic Insight Teams" focus on producing reports of relevance in the fields of competitiveness.


- Her Trade Support Project

- Traders Business Forum

Other Projects

1. The Africa Economic Forum, Brazil

2. Canada - Africa Economic Forum

3. Nigeria - Czech Economic Forum

4. Europe - Africa Economic Forum

5. Nigeria - Europe Economic Forum

6. Nigeria - Turkey Economic Forum

7. Nigeria - Taiwan Economic Forum

8. Nigeria - Belgium Economic Forum

9. Nigeria Dubai Economic Forum

10. World Commerce and Culture Expo

11. World Art Week & Business Expo

12. Nigeria Asia Economic Forum

13. Heroes of the Pandemic Awards (Heroes Unmasked)

14. Garden City Food Expo.

15 .Heroes of the Pandemic Awards (Heroes Unmasked)

16. Business Lunch

17. National Fashion Pattern & Sketch Drawing Competition (Business Of Fashion)

18. National Baby Crawling Competition

19. Nigeria Property Expo

20. Southern Nigeria Business & Economic Summit

21. Recycle Reduce Reuse ( Advanced waste management  business forum & Expo)

22. CEO Business Forum & Dinner/Awards

23. Entrepreneurs Master Class

24. Business Person Of The Year Award & Business Dinner

25. Euro Africa Business Forum/Summit

26. Train For Trade Seminar

27. Globe Chamber World Business Forum

28. World Trade Summit & Expo

29. Mentorship & Internship Program

30. The Economic Club Of Nigeria

31. Nigeria Asia Week & Trade Expo

32. Global Housing & Real Estate Summit & Expo

33. Globe Chamber Luxury Conference

34.World Shoe Expo

35. Empowerment Through Fashion, Business Of Fashion

36 .Business Forum With Prof. Pat Utomi Entrepreneurship, Learn The Secret Of Building A Successful Business

37. Entrepreneurship, Leadership Bootcamp For Business Executive (Dubai/Turkey)

38. Fair Trade Nigeria. Be Fair, Buy Fair.

39. Beyond Trade Project. Football-Sport

40. AID 4 Trade Project Supporting SMEs & Start Ups

41. Invest Nigeria International Investment Awards.

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