Monday, October 19, 2020

Trade Is Key to Africa’s Economic Growth

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industries and it member committee encourages all African countries to Participate in the Africa Export Conference 2021. Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa to further boost Africa export promotion and competiveness.

Trade is the key to long-term, sustainable economic growth and development in sub-Saharan Africa.

Because trade is vital to sub-Saharan Africa's economic future and to improving lives and livelihoods, the Africa Export Conference 2021. Sandton Convention Centre Johannesburg, South Africa, is an important venue for cultivation of trade opportunities in Africa. 

Trade is critically important to economic development. Right now, Africa has about 2 percent of all world trade, which is hard to believe when you think about all of the tremendous resources that Africa have - oil, diamonds, gold ... not to mention all the agricultural products such as coffee, tea, cocoa - and to think that Africa still only has 2 percent of world trade is really incredible. But with the power of trade if Africans can be able to increase share of world trade from 2 to 3 percent, that 1 percentage increase would actually generate about $70 billion of additional income annually for Africa," or about three times the total development assistance Africa gets from the entire world.

Many countries in Asia and Latin America, don't have even one smidgen of Africa's natural resources - a country like South Korea, for example - yet they are huge players in the global trading system. This is why the Africa Export Conference 2021. Sandton Convention Centre Johannesburg, South Africa is one initiative aimed at expanding the aspect of Africa economic relationship.

Countries in the sub-Saharan Africa needs to collaborate in many areas and take full advantage of the export conference and worldwide trading opportunities and send exports to emerging markets such as China, India etc.

Africa is unlikely to be competitive globally if it not competitive regionally. Africans must begin trading more with each other. Africans trade the least with each other than all the other continents. It is improving. We are seeing a greater increase in intra-African trade. African countries needs open their borders with each other and trade with each other to attain the level of competition that will allow the region to be major providers of any product globally."

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industries and it member committee encourages all African countries to Participate in the Africa Export Conference 2021. Sandton Convention Centre Johannesburg, South Africa to further boost Africa export promotion and competiveness.

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